TCI International, Inc. would like to congratulate and thank the participants from seven countries who are this week attending the TCI five-day user group training event in Automated Spectrum Management System (ASMS) in Maputo, Mozambique. Sponsored and co-hosted by the Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique (INCM), this bi-annual forum is providing an opportunity for the free exchange of ideas and experiences between subject-matter experts from TCI and African regulatory professionals as it applies to each nation’s managing of spectrum and non-spectrum licenses and the data and associated analytics.
We are delighted that more than 40 participants, all users of TCI’s ASMS, have gathered for five days of training. Feedback from the training will be used to provide their input into the product roadmap and identify the most important features to be developed for their organisations. Forum attendees are enjoying topics that include hands-on training using TCI’s 710 ASMS software, operational best practices and user tips, the introduction of new software functions and features, and a discussion of the product development roadmap. While enhancing their spectrum management skills and knowledge, attendees’ network with other user organisations to learn from their experiences and to build new relationships.
Leveraging TCI’s 50-year legacy of designing, deploying, and maintaining spectrum monitoring solutions, the TCI Model 710 Automated Spectrum Management System offers web based management of spectrum and non-spectrum licenses, technical analysis, accounting tools and business analytics with dashboards to allow regulators to efficiently manage all communication services.
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